Key Benefits of FW$ - No-Code DIY Web Management Online Platform

Key Benefits of FW$ - No-Code DIY Web Management Online Platform

Get acquainted with FW$ - FreeWebsiteSite and its Benefits

What is FW$? 

FW$ is an online DIY No-Code Platform that allows users anywhere to design beautiful websites using FW$ Free Website Templates. FW$ stands for Free Website $ite (Site), why - Because It is All about Freedom.

What Freedoms does FW$ Offer to its valued users? Freedom to operate your website from anywhere and without Stress. What stress are we talking about? According to studies business owners are always stressed about opportunity cost. That's the difference between having $100,000 for a hospital bill for oneself or a family member, and Not having the $100,000 Dollars. The opportunity cost of not have $100,000 is that you or your loved one may not get the care they should. Freedom is when you have the $100,000 and much more in your bank savings and are equipped to handle such an event without stress.

FW$ is like that $100,000 dollars, and your business is the one facing the opportunity cost of not getting the care it needs. But I have a developer, or But I dont need to update my website often, But .. But .. But. Those buts are the buts of procrastination and not dealing with a key business issue of revenue generation. Just like an athlete requires daily exercise, nutrients and recovery, similar to that a well operated business requires its digital website identity updated and kept sharp on a daily basis. With FW$ you can easily update your website like you were tweeting or posting on Facebook, simply open on your mobile, click and edit. That's the ease of use that you can not find elsewhere, and there-in is the freedom delivered. 

Freedom to Play and Work 

FW$ allows its users to treat work like play and play like work. Keeping your website update is fun at FW$. You can animate your text, headlines, images and select from various styles just by clicking and choosing and seeing what you like right on your phone. You can add videos from your Youtube channel, add products which are already connected to your paypal account, update your location, and many other cool things. The difference is that the control is in your hand. You dont have to call and ask a web developer if they have the time to do this or that. Once you get familized with this tool which is easy to use, you will step into a new found freedom. 

Freedom to Scale 

FW$ isnt just a CMS which allows you to build and publish your amazing websites, with FW$ e-Shop module you can maintain an online store of up to 500 unique products. So if you are a start up, you can continue to enjoy FW$ Freedoms as you grow. 

Freedom to delegate

FW$ has value added services, preferred digital media design and marketing vendors world wide. Within our network there exists 100s of top notch digital marketing companies from around the globe, and every state in the US. Our network is constantly growing and we are always vetting, training and adding more vendors to our network. This allows our valued customers to find a one stop solution of not only having full control on the website, but also delegate its early design, feature-buildout and digital marketing. There are many great packages to choose from tailores specifically for B2B and B2C businsess. FW$ value in not in itself, but with and through and extensive networks of digital marketing professionals and companies to whom you can delegate and collaborate towards your success. Simply request via chat and FW$ will send you a list of preferred and certified professional in your city or state who will be happy to work with you. 

Freedom to be free 

FW$ is not location or device restrictive. Unlike all other options, users enjoy the freedom to be free. Knowing that all your website interactions will land on your phone 24/7 you dont need to double check your emails and phones anymore. With FW$ instamessenger your customers can chat with you directly on your phone through the instant messaging service which is packaged with all FW$ websites. Along with chats, all contact forms, and shopping cart orders are delivered to your comminication hub. Ran out of a product, no need wait for a 3rd party service to do it, or even just leave the obsolete product on your website like space junk, just hop on your phone be it at the office or the beach, and update your product as and when necessary. That is the freedom to be location and device agnostic. 

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